Tired of Getting Lost In A Sea Of Conflicting Information On Chakras?
It's Time To Take Your Healing Game To The Next Level!
Have You KNOWN You Have Gifts, But Didn't Know Where To Develop Them?
Meet Heather
She Has Super Seeing!
Meet Heather. When she was very young, she could see the aura and chakras on people. But, because she had never been taught about them in any spiritual training, she simply assumed that everyone could see them as well. That is until she was at the store with her dad when she was 15 and made a remark about an angry man’s dark aura. Her dad, who also saw auras but was from a generation that didn’t talk about it and had never told her about it, took Heather aside and let her know that she had a special gift.
Meet David.
He Has Super Knowing!
Meet David. When he was about 9, he would have conversations with his mother sometimes when she was having a moment, and he knew exactly the right words to say, exactly how to say them, even if he didn't understand the words he was saying. He knew they were coming from somewhere special, and he knew that they were exactly the right words she needed to hear. And without skipping a beat, as she was caught up in tears of transformation, he simply asked to go play knowing she got what she needed.
Are They Weird, Or Normal?
They're people probably very much like you who always thought that everyone could see, feel, hear, sense, or know things.
Don't We All Work The Same Way?
After all, if they could do it, doesn't everyone work the same way?
That's an issue that a lot of people get caught up in, believing that we all work the same way. We find that even in the information that's out there on the subject of chakras, energy, senses, perception, etc.
As human beings we're driven by an inner need & desire to understand ourselves and our surroundings. After all, that's what keeps us safe in the wild, right? And nowadays, knowledge means survival.
But no one wants to sift through so much conflicting information trying to get to the good stuff that makes sense.
Especially nowadays when we have access to such incredible information and technology to bring all the crazy into something that just makes sense.
Heather could always see auras & chakras.
Was Heather all alone in the world?
Over the years, Heather managed to find a few other people who could naturally see auras and chakras as well and asked many questions to learn everything she could about how they worked. She also began to be more outgoing about the fact that she could “see” in an effort to put herself out there to discover someone who could help her understand her gifts deeper.
Is This Just Some Party Trick?
However, once people found out Heather could see the energy, they would ask her to “read” their aura and chakras. This was difficult; as Heather often didn’t have an answer because she honestly did not know what she was seeing aside from a positive or negative feeling.
Does Anyone Know How This Thing Works?
The other problem was that most of the time, other people Heather found that could “see”, had no clue what was going on either or how to really use their gifts.
Where's All The REAL Hidden Knowledge?
That coupled with the facts that Heather could not find a teacher or enough information in one place that could tell her what exactly she was seeing and sensing and what the heck it all meant led to a lot of frustration and confusion.
There's Got To Be More To It, Right?
They both had an intuitive vibe of course, but they knew there had to be more established guidelines for what the colors meant and how the energies moved and related to each other besides just those intuitive vibes.
Where's The Meat?
Their Story Doesn't End There!
Heather & David have spent their lives dedicated to understanding their own worlds, and how to not only navigate those worlds, but how to master them. That's meant a journey of mastering themselves, and being able to crack the codes of not only the outside worlds, but also the worlds on the inside.
The Quest Driven By A Thirst
That Became A Necessity!
Since Heather was a child, she's always loved learning, and this was no different. She learned as much as she could, which was scattered at best, until years later, after a traumatic divorce (I'm sure some of you can relate to life traumas), Heather lost her voice to a devastating dysphonia condition brought on by shock, grief and trauma. Because of the trauma she was living in for a sustained period of time, her senses opened up in a way that they had never done before and it suddenly became more urgent that she return in a more diligent way to learning about what was going on. Especially because the medical help she was getting was doing absolutely no good for her condition.
Along the way Heather found resources and education that had not been available to her when she first started her journey years earlier. She dove in to crack the code to what she was seeing, sensing and experiencing; determined to heal herself because for the first time it wasn’t just an exploration because she could see pretty colors and spinning wheels of light.
When we have a big enough driving force in life, anything is possible!
No, it was now life or death important to her to understand the energy system to find the keys to heal herself and release the trauma her body was experiencing.
Then The Real Journey Began
After a two year intense dive into healing, Heather regained her voice (a story for another time) and it was clear that she was on a path to help others. She also had come to discover through students she began to teach, that pretty much everyone has the capacity to tap into the chakras and aura in their own way. Determined to find out as much as she could, Heather began doctoral studies in Spiritual and Natural Healing and Theology and spent the next seven years formally learning as David and Heather grew their healing practice and worked to get the right education to pass onto our students.
Learning Used To Be SOOO BORING!
A couple of things Heather noticed along the way that determined how David and her would later craft The Chakras Masterclass the way they did. First, many of the courses they had to take in school were quite honestly tedious and written for an audience from earlier in the 20th century with a heavy required reading dose of spiritualist and theosophist works from the 1800’s. These were periods when students consumed information in a very different way; the information was wordy, heavy and often redundant. Although the information was solid, today’s students live in an entirely different world and consume information in a very different and more fast-paced way.
Does It Have To Be So Hard?
So, although the information is out there, to gather all the pieces beyond the basic seven chakras, and get a blueprint of the energy system, the process can be time consuming. They realized that in order to make the time honored information relevant for today’s student, it needed to be repackaged in an easy to understand way and quite honestly a fun way. So, instead of just repeating the old information in the same old boring way, they made Einstein’s quote about knowing your information well enough to explain to any audience their mantra and decided to make it fun and easy to retain, instead of difficult and tedious.
Take Your Chakra Healing Skills From Basic To BADASS In 4 Hours
We have taken all of our combined years of research and made it fast, fun and relevant to the modern student’s life.
We are excited to be a part of your growing, learning and helping journey as a healer and in your personal development (with a metaphysical twist)!
Course Curriculum
What's In The Course
Warm Up Chakra Primer
Basics Of Chakras & Energy
Beginner Chakras | 7 Main Chakras
Minor Chakras | Energy Work
Intermediate Chakras & Energy
Intermediate Chakra Healing Philosophy
Advanced Chakra Systems
Advanced Lessons | Diving Deeper
Bonus Material
5 Day Training Cracking The Code To Energy Healing Systems
Welcome To The Chakra Primer Course What Is Your Energy Body? How Life Affects Your Chakras (& Vice Versa) The Basics Of Chakra Balancing & Clearing Outro -
Introduction To Chakras WELCOME Lesson 1: What Are Chakras Intro to Lesson 1 Quiz Lesson 1 Quiz Lesson 2: How Chakras Get Blocked Lesson 2 Quiz Lesson 3: How Chakras Move Intro to Lesson 3 Quiz Lesson 3 Quiz -
Lesson 4: Root Chakra Intro to Lesson 4 Quiz Lesson 4 Quiz Lesson 5: Sacral Chakra Lesson 5 Quiz Lesson 6: Solar Plexus Chakra Lesson 6 Quiz Lesson 7: Heart Chakra Lesson 7 Quiz Lesson 8: Throat Chakra Lesson 8 Quiz Lesson 9: Third Eye Chakra Lesson 9 Quiz Lesson 10: Crown Chakra Intro to Lesson 10 Quiz Lesson 10 Quiz -
Lesson 11: Minor Chakras and Nadi Points Lesson 11 Quiz Lesson: 12 Myths, Energy Healers & Chakra Balance Intro to Lesson 12 Quiz Lesson 12 Quiz -
Welcome To The Next Level! Lesson 1: Fields of Energy Subtle Bodies Intro to Lesson 1 Quiz Lesson 1 Quiz Lesson 2: Ancient Symbols for Energy Systems Lesson 2 Quiz Lesson 3: Kundalini Myths Lesson 3 Quiz Lesson 4: Energy Neutrality Breath Work Intro to Lesson 4 Quiz Lesson 4 Quiz -
Lesson 5: 7 Sins 7 Virtues Intro to Lesson 5 Quiz Lesson 5 Quiz Lesson 6: Vices & Virtues of The Root Chakra Intro to Lesson 6 Quiz Lesson 6 Quiz Lesson 7: Vices & Virtues of The Sacral Chakra Intro to Lesson 7 Quiz Lesson 7 Quiz Lesson 8: Vices & Virtues of The Solar Plexus Chakra Intro to Lesson 8 Quiz Lesson 8 Quiz Lesson 9: Vices & Virtues of The Heart Chakra Intro to Lesson 9 Quiz Lesson 9 Quiz Lesson 10: Vices & Virtues of The Throat Chakra Intro to Lesson 10 Quiz Lesson 10 Quiz Lesson 11: Vices & Virtues of The 3rd Eye Chakra Intro to Lesson 11 Quiz Lesson 11 Quiz Lesson 12: Vices & Virtues of The Crown Chakra Intro to Lesson 12 Quiz Lesson 12 Quiz -
Lesson 13: Nadis & Meridians Expanded Intro to Lesson 13 Quiz Lesson 13 Quiz Lesson 14: Transpersonal & Multi-Dimensional Chakras Intro to Lesson 14 Quiz Lesson 14 Quiz Lesson 15: The Hara Navel Chakra Intro to Lesson 15 Quiz Lesson 15 Quiz Lesson 16: The Earth Star Chakra Intro to Lesson 16 Quiz Lesson 16 Quiz Lesson: 17 The Alta Major Chakra Intro to Lesson 17 Quiz Lesson 17 Quiz Lesson 18: The Causal Chakra Intro to Lesson 18 Quiz Lesson 18 Quiz Lesson 19: The Soul Star Chakra Intro to Lesson 19 Quiz Lesson 19 Quiz Lesson 20: The Stellar Gateway Chakra Intro to Lesson 20 Quiz Lesson 20 Quiz Lesson 21: The Higher Heart Chakra Intro to Lesson 21 Quiz Lesson 21 Quiz -
Lesson 22: The Minor Chakras Intro to Lesson 22 Quiz Lesson 22 Quiz Lesson 23: The Joint Chakras Intro to Lesson 23 Quiz Lesson 23 Quiz Lesson 24: Palm and Sole Chakras Intro to Lesson 24 Quiz Lesson 24 Quiz Lesson 25: Lower Body Minor Chakras Intro to Lesson 25 Quiz Lesson 25 Quiz Lesson 26: Mid-Body Minor Chakras Intro to Lesson 26 Quiz Lesson 26 Quiz Lesson 27: Upper Body Minor Chakras Intro to Lesson 27 Quiz Lesson 27 Quiz Lesson 28: The Head or Celestial Minor Chakras Intro to Lesson 28 Quiz Lesson 28 Quiz Lesson 29: Pineal Gland Expanded Intro to Lesson 29 Quiz Lesson 29 Quiz Lesson 30: Pituitary Gland Expanded Intro to Lesson 30 Quiz Lesson 30 Quiz Lesson 31: Perceived Limitations Non-Judgment Intro to Lesson 31 Quiz Lesson 31 Quiz Chakra Mastery Conclusion -
Badass Chakra Balancing & Alignment Throat Chakra Blocks & Fears How Sexual Trauma & Abuse Affects Chakras How To Work Within Someone's Belief System Toxic Crystals & Dangerous Crystals (Don't Eat These) Earth Star Chakra (The Millionaire Chakra) Heart Chakra, Grief, Loss & Betrayal Solar Plexus Chakra, The Spirit, The Soul, The Body, Root & Sacral Solar Plexus Chakra, Energy Vampires & Emotional Vampires Sacral Chakra, Kundalini Rising, Inner Child Work How To Be Spiritual AF Processing & Feeling Negative Emotions 3rd Eye Chakra Tips, 3rd Eye "Sight", Stabilizing Gifts, Psychic Door, Full Moon Meditation Healing Languages & Healthy Energy Exchange -
Day 1: The 3 Energy System Components Day 2: Crack The Code Behind ANY Healing Modality Day 3: The Chakras Masterclass Day 4: The Healing Matrix Day 5: After Party & Live Q&A -
Be A Part Of The Next Evolution!
Welcome To Your Easy Button For Chakra Healing!
We've created this course to take your Chakra Skills from Basic to Badass in 4 Hours!
Mastering Your Healing Skills
51 Essential Chakra Energy Centers For Chakra Healing
In this course: The Chakras Masterclass, we dive deep into the chakras and explore the 51 most important chakra energy centers for chakra healing. This chakra class goes far beyond the basic seven chakras and teaches many lesser known human chakras that are very important for advanced healing arts professionals to understand. The 7 chakras are a basic starting point towards understanding chakras, but to really get deep and more efficient as a healer, you must not only know how to open chakras, chakra names and basic chakra cleansing, but, knowledge of opening chakras beyond the body for clients who are ready for further ascension and transpersonal chakra activation is essential.
What is Chakra? Is there a kundalini chakra? How many chakras are there? Just 7 chakras? Chakras in body are numerous, not to mention chakras that are out of body or transpersonal such as celestial chakras which move far beyond the third eye chakra. It is not necessary to know all chakras because they are practically limitless in number. However, to improve your skills as a healer the basic chakra system is simply a starting point.
What are the 7 chakras? They are: the first chakra which is the root chakra or muladhara chakra, 2nd chakra or the sacral chakra or navel chakra, the solar plexus chakra which is 3rd chakra, the heart chakra or anahata chakra, the throat chakra or 5th chakra, the 3rd eye chakra or ajna chakra and the 7th chakra or crown chakra.
We will explore the basics of sacral chakra healing, throat chakra healing, heart chakra healing, root chakra healing, basic chakras explained, chakra breathing, how to open your chakras, how to balance your chakras and of course, chakra color meanings.
We are no longer asking the question “Are chakras real? Since they are now visible on modern imaging systems. So, then new questions become important such as, “What does chakra mean?” “What are chakra colors and meanings?” “How to balance chakras the best way?”
Other Chakras and topics we will be exploring are Celestial Chakras, Minor Chakras, Joint Chakras, Transpersonal Chakras, Earth Chakras, Zeal Chakra, Meridians, Nadi Points, Prana, Chi or Qi, Stellar Gateway Chakra, Kundalini Myths, the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Virtues and much more.
You have come to this course in chakra mastery because you have reached a point in your progress as a healer where you need to know more about vibrational healing and chakra therapy. Or, you are an individual ready to expand into another level of self-awareness. Either way, this is the class for you!
By the time you are done with The Chakras Masterclass, you will be armed with an arsenal of knowledge about the seven chakras, chakra alignment, the chakra points, chakra locations, the spiritual chakras, the earth chakras and how to use them in any type of vibrational healing chakra therapy!
Take The Chakras Masterclass to learn the following:
the chakras |
chakra energy |
energy centers |
chakra healing |
chakra alignment |
chakra therapy |
chakra activation |
beginning chakras |
intermediate chakras |
advanced chakras |
chakra points |
chakra locations |
earth chakras |
spiritual chakras |
hara navel chakra |
higher heart chakra |
seven chakras |
the seven chakras |
the 7 chakras |
how to open chakras |
opening chakras |
chakra cleansing |
how to balance chakras |
chakras in body |
7 chakras |
human chakras |
understanding chakras |
what is chakra |
all chakras |
chakra breathing |
kundalini chakra |
vibrational healing |
heart chakra healing |
root chakra healing |
throat chakra healing |
chakra |
third eye chakra |
chakra names |
root chakra |
sacral chakra |
heart chakra |
solar plexus chakra |
crown chakra |
throat chakra |
sacral chakra healing |
navel chakra |
chakras explained |
what are the 7 chakras |
how to open your chakras |
how to balance your chakras |
what does chakra mean |
chakra color meanings |
chakra colors and meanings |
how many chakras are there |
are chakras real |
muladhara chakra |
ajna chakra |
anahata chakra |
first chakra |
5th chakra |
7th chakra |
3rd eye chakra |
3rd chakra |
2nd chakra |
how to be spiritual AF |
ultra spiritual life |
how to get spiritual |
spirituality |
personal development |
personal growth |
self growth |
metaphysics |
What People Are Saying
This is what other students and clients have to say.
“I have seen a lot of practitioners and David and Heather are the real deal."“The way they work in partnership is quite an extraordinary experience. They are also quite funny, which I believe is a sign of enlightenment. I highly recommend them." Robert Richman- Author of the Culture Blueprint | Culture Architect & Creator Of The X-Pill |
"Heather and David are nothing short of miraculous.""This is the perfect way to feed my soul, and touch base with all that is important. I appreciate their insight as well as humor. I can feel every shift in my body as they carefully and respectfully guide me towards balance and a restored spirit. The wisdom they share lasts long after the session ends. I am always grateful to these soul doctors :)" Anna Vance- Owner @ ANNA VANCE |
“I have been a client of Heather and David’s for over 5 years."“Each experience with them is vital to me at that moment. They are able to dig deep into any blocks and help find the chosen path. Each time I leave their helping hands, I feel alive, charged, and focused!" Holly Caudle-McMullin- Life Coach & X-Pill Instrumentor |
Easy Payment Options
Whether you like to pay all at once for the best deal, or spread things out to your comfort level. You get to decide on the payment plan that's right for you!
About Your Teachers
Meet The Zen Rose Garden Team
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A Caren, CHt
Personal Development With A Metaphysical Twist!
Founders of Zen Rose Garden & Creators Of
The Chakras Masterclass
& Find Your Higher Self
With a thirst for knowledge and an intense desire to help other people grow, this amazing duo is dedicated to Helping People Create Badass Lives!
They've delved into cracking the codes to their own healing and pass on that wealth of information to their students across the world!
You can also catch them on YouTube as they Drop Brain Juice all over the Interwebs!
More About Your Teachers
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A Caren, CHt
Zen Rose Garden
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhDHeather is a trained Spiritualist Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Channel and Healing Medium. Struck with a vocal disorder after a devastating trauma, she was told by medical experts it was incurable, but instead chose to pursue alternative methods on a quest for a cure. This journey of a lifetime led to the total healing of her voice and opened her abilities as a Healing Medium. Now, a lifetime scholar and expert in the field of Metaphysics, Mediumship, Comparative Religion, Dream Interpretation, Shamanism and Mythology, she is passionate about helping others understand and control their gifts. She is also the author of Goddess Unchained, and is pursuing Doctoral Studies in Natural Healing, Comparative Religion & Transpersonal Psychology.David A. Caren, CHtDavid is a Master Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Clairsentient, Conscious Channel and Healing Medium. As a teen, David experienced a Near-Death Experience which served as a Shamanic Opening, accelerating his gifts as a Medium. As a result of his journey, David is gifted in guiding those who struggle through emotional blocks to find, resolve and release deep levels of fear hidden in the Subconscious. He is currently working on a book on Primal Brain Response in human behavior based on his methods to overcome primitive urges when it is contrary to one’s higher desires. He is also pursuing Doctoral work in Metaphysics and Psychology. -
David A. Caren
David A. Caren, CHtDavid is a Master Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Clairsentient, Conscious Channel and Healing Medium. As a teen, David experienced a Near-Death Experience which served as a Shamanic Opening, accelerating his gifts as a Medium. As a result of his journey, David is gifted in guiding those who struggle through emotional blocks to find, resolve and release deep levels of fear hidden in the Subconscious. He is currently working on a book on Primal Brain Response in human behavior based on his methods to overcome primitive urges when it is contrary to one’s higher desires. He is also pursuing Doctoral work in Metaphysics and Psychology. -
Heather Kim Rodriguez
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhDHeather is a trained Spiritualist Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Channel and Healing Medium. Struck with a vocal disorder after a devastating trauma, she was told by medical experts it was incurable, but instead chose to pursue alternative methods on a quest for a cure. This journey of a lifetime led to the total healing of her voice and opened her abilities as a Healing Medium. Now, a lifetime scholar and expert in the field of Metaphysics, Mediumship, Comparative Religion, Dream Interpretation, Shamanism and Mythology, she is passionate about helping others understand and control their gifts. She is also the author of Goddess Unchained, and is pursuing Doctoral Studies in Natural Healing, Comparative Religion & Transpersonal Psychology.
As Seen On
How To Find Life Purpose & Self Trust
How To Find Your Life Purpose & How To Trust Yourself Again
The Chakras Masterclass
Take Your Chakra Healing Skills From Basic To BADASS In 4 Hours
Zen Rose Garden
Specialties & Skills
Metaphysics | Personal Development | Self Improvement | Self Development |
Personal Growth | Psychic Abilities | Self Growth | Mediumship |
Psychic Development | Psychic Training | Mediumship Training | Mediumship Development |
Psychic Medium Training | Psychic Mediumship Training | Psychic Mediumship Development | Psychic Medium Development |
Authenticity | Past Life Regression Therapy | Metaphysical | Self Help |
Life Coach | Hypnotherapy | Reiki | Energy Work |
Relationships | Intuition Development | Meditation | Guided Meditations |
Body Mind Spirit | Metaphysical Teachers | Chakras | Shamanism |
Spiritualism | Law of Attraction | The Secret | How To Be Spiritual AF |
Zen Rose Garden, Las Vegas, NV |
David A Caren, CHt & Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD |